What is Parentease Anyhow?

So gather a group of mothers and ask their opinions about parenting news and advice. What happens? Lots of stories!  Like tales from pregnancies, labor and delivery to breastfeeding and beyond. A lot of mutual recognition that wow, can you believe we’ve made it thus far? Some laughs. Much respect …

Sound Health Advice for Teens?

A few parents have asked for health resources for answering kids questions about puberty and teen health. The good news, there is plenty of advice online for talking to kids about sex. The hard part is finding reliable, age-appropriate resources, for both parents to consult and also, teens. Oh, and …

How Parents Are Ruining America

Parents are ruining America according to NY Times columnist David Brooks. His new column is entitled How We Are Ruining America. It could have been entitled “How Moms Are Ruining America.” The opening salvo targets parents, well-educated parents to be precise. Over the past generation, members of the college-educated class have …