Pseudoscience R Us

Louis Vuitton. Scholarly Publishing.  They might want to grab coffee and compare notes. It’s no secret the realm of questionable parenting news and advice keeps growing. It might surprise you to know the realm of questionable scientific findings also keeps growing. For a hefty fee pretty much anyone can get a study published these days. Thanks to the Internet, the “open access” …

Flip Flop on Foreskin Snip: Pediatric Group Now Recommends Circumcision

As for the American Academy of Pediatric’s shift on male circumcision, their flip flop on the  foreskin snip, I just can’t go there today. Only an expert task force could make a policy statement about sex parts sound dry. It’s of such critical societal importance, at least in San Fransisco and possibly Park Slope, it’s free. I …

Bad Studies That Won’t Go Away: How Bad Science is like the Bratty Kid with the Slushy

I have no idea why this slurpy is sideways! What happens to crappy studies? Unless they ignite international brouhahas (e.g.. thousands of parents choosing not to vaccinate), not much according to an op-ed in the New York Times. It’s Science, But Not Necessarily Right.  (Title in paper: Why Science Struggles To Correct …