Smoking: To Fear or Not To Fear

What about those fear-based anti-smoking campaigns…show people scary images of nicotine-damaged body parts (rotting teeth, limbs, lungs, etc.) – tell them things like “smoking kills” or “smoking causes fatal lung cancer.” What do you think happens? They must be turned off of smoking? Right? Just the opposite. These fear-based messages …

ADHD: Immature Brain Development

So here’s an intriguing study showing children with ADHD have slower brain development than their peers. By about three years. Using brain scans, researchers affiiliated with the National Institute of Mental Health pinpointed the areas of the brain associated with the primary symptoms of ADHD (e.g., lack of concentration, impulsive …

The Brain and The ABC’s

We’re learning all kinds of fascinating things about the brain. What parts become active when we do certain tasks. Interesting stuff really. But can we apply this brain behavior to the educational system? Are we focusing too much on the small picture (pieces and processes of the brain) at the …