Supporting parenting news and advice since 2006

What is Parentease Anyhow?

So gather a group of mothers and ask their opinions about parenting news and advice. What happens?

Lots of stories!  Like tales from pregnancies, labor and delivery to breastfeeding and beyond. A lot of mutual recognition that wow, can you believe we’ve made it thus far? Some laughs. Much respect for one another.

Momma Data’s first Parentease Parent Forum. (credit: Julie Adams)

But I’m not gonna lie.

Turns out, it wasn’t all fun and games talking kids and parenting.

The Bad News

There were some complaints. And some concerns. You can probably guess the usual suspects:

Screens. Social media. Sleep. Screens. Social media. Picky eating. Screens. Vaping. Social media. Friendships. Social media. Teen anxiety. Social media. Social media. Social media.

Ha ha ha. Can’t get enough of those screens!

But here’s the thing though.

Everyone present expressed a genuine eagerness to find useful parenting advice.

Nobody thought they were beyond seeking advice. Not even the parents of older kids who’d been there and done that. Now, It might be that parents seek out less advice as their children get older. In fact, I’ve not seen this study. If it’s out there, please send it to me. Show me a parent of a teen, though, and I can guarantee they still have some questions. 

This is one of many takeaways from Momma Data’s first official parenting forum this past week.


Plus, it’s not that there is not enough information. It’s that parents aren’t sure where to find good information. Especially when advice conflicts and jumbles together into one unclear message.

Or as one mother put it:

It’s all a constant buzz, all around. It’s hard to pull out answers.

Thus, bringing me to the title of the forum and this post.

Meet Parentease

What is PARENTEASE? One word. Rhymes with expertise. Say it fast.

Parentease = skill in finding good parenting advice.

True, there was debate whether it’s one word or two. It’s one word.  The green lettering made that unclear. I’ll be changing that but the point. The point?

It’s not just the experts who know something about kids. Parents do too. Parentease acknowledges that parents can be informed. They can have some expertise too. Thank goodness, right?

And parents deserve some fun too. Keeping informed doesn’t have to be all work and no play.

To this end, Parentease recognizes that getting to know experts and their advice can be amusing at times too. Pulling the good bits out of endless updates and recommendations should not be such a chore. It can be pleasant, fun even!

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